Mower SWCD’s 2017 summer apprentice David Wick checks a water-monitoring station in the Root River headwaters area in eastern Mower County.

Mower SWCD to host summer apprentice in 2018 for variety of work

Applications due March 2nd deadline through Conservation Corps Minnesota

Cedar River Watershed District
3 min readFeb 22, 2018


AUSTIN, Minn. — Thursday, Feb. 22, 2018 — Applicants for summer conservation apprentice positions throughout Minnesota need to apply by next week, including those interested in working at Mower Soil & Water Conservation District in Austin.

Conservation Corps Minnesota & Iowa is accepting applications through March 2nd for young adults, ages 18 to 25, for summer apprentice positions at 31 host locations with Soil & Water Conservation District (SWCD) offices in the state.

Mower SWCD was approved for a third-straight year by Conservation Corps to host and mentor an apprentice, who will serve from May 15 to Aug. 10. Apprentices spend the summer working with SWCD natural resource professionals to learn hands-on skills in managing soil and water resources.

“Our office really has enjoyed and greatly benefited from hosting a Conservation Corps apprentice,” Mower SWCD district manager Justin Hanson said. “It’s not only an outstanding experience for the apprentice to gain skills and knowledge but also truly helpful to our staff to get work done during what’s always a busy summer.”

Since 2011, Mower County is one of 56 counties in Minnesota that have hosted a Conservation Corps apprentice. Mower SWCD and other SWCDs train and mentor the future conservation professionals by providing the apprenticeship service opportunities.

Mower SWCD’s 2017 summer apprentice — David Wick — helps do survey work last summer for designing a grass waterway to address a field’s erosion problem near the North Branch of Dobbins Creek.

This summer, the apprentice with Mower SWCD will work with Mower County landowners on conservation seeding and help with several water-monitoring projects in the Cedar and Root River watersheds. The apprentice also will assist with checking conservation easements and newly established buffers as well as help with a soil-health research project getting launched this year.

Applicants can designate sites they are willing to work; other nearby host sites include Winona and Fillmore SWCD offices.

Conservation Corps pays each apprentice a $1,355 monthly stipend. Once a term is completed successfully, apprentices will get a $1,538 education award to use toward qualifying education and student loan expenses.

Wick walks in May 2017 with Mower SWCD soil scientist Steve Lawler through a cover crop field in Red Rock Township in preparation for a Field Day.

The summer apprentice program is funded through the Minnesota Environment and Natural Resource Trust Fund and LCCMR.

Management projects for apprentices might include service and groundwater monitoring; wetland and watercourse inventories and assessments; preparation for cost-share and easement programs; field surveying and site inspections; and coordinating educational programs. They also might communicate with landowners to develop management plans, gather input on best practices and provide education materials on water resources.

Those interested can get more information at and complete an application online at Applications are due by March 2, 2018.

Conservation Corps provides meaningful work for young people in managing natural resources, responding to disasters, conserving energy and leading volunteers. It gives training in resource management, safety, job-readiness and technical skills as well as helps young people develop personal responsibility, a strong work ethic and greater awareness of environmental stewardship.

A crew from Mower SWCD, including summer apprentice David Wick, and the University of Minnesota get read to start an eletrofishing survey on a stretch of Dobbins Creek’s north branch in Red Rock Township, south of Brownsdale.



Cedar River Watershed District

Formed in 2007, CRWD works to reduce flooding and improve water quality on the Cedar River State Water Trail and its tributaries in southern Minnesota.